To live your hopes and aspirations and your dreams?
A Passion for Life is four empowering one hours that will help listeners enrich and improve the quality of their lives with powerful life lessons on conscious living, aging, dying and what it takes to achieve authentic success.
This is where we learn to put the Art in to the Art of Living and wake up to what matters most in life.
Experience the profoundly moving insights on the deeper issues in our lives from the cultural icons of our time: Ram Dass, Stephen Covey, Richard Carlson, Thomas Moore, Sir John Templeton, Stephen & Ondrea Levine, Marianne Williamson, Caroline Myss, Elizabeth Kubler Ross, Jean Houston, Joan Borysenko and many more.
“The Art of Living – the Art of Life” is about waking up to your one precious life and making the most of it. We never know how long we have. These extraordinary people who grace this series, generously share their life skills to help us successfully meet life’s challenges and face profound life changes.

Life skills to living in a more conscious, mindful and empowered life. Powerful inspiration to renew our outlook, and examine our priorities. A springboard for recreating ourselves for a happier, more productive life.
Featuring: Richard Carlson, Stephen Covey, Jean Houston, Sam Keen, Thomas Moore, Wayne Muller, and Marianne Williamson.

How can we age graciously and develop a more eternal inner youth? We explore attitude, beliefs and how to make a major perception changes in how we see ourselves so we can renew our passion for life!
Is youthfulness merely a matter of attitude and beliefs, or are their specific steps to developing a kind of eternal inner youth, where one’s physical attributes need diminish only marginally? Living life in a more conscious and deliberate fashion, knowing death is awaiting our inevitable submission, is a way of bridging the transition to a life we can be truly proud to have lived.
Featuring:Â Joan Borysenko, Deepak Chopra, Jean Houston, Sam Keen, Ondrea and Stephen Levine, Thomas Moore, and Caroline Myss.

Life consists of both sides of the coin, the desired and the dreaded, and we must learn to build our strength. Healing, forgiveness and compassion. Being with the dying and grieving. Find the road back to living with joy.
Featuring: Joan Borysenko, Ram Dass, Sam Keen, Elizabeth Kubler-Ross, Ondrea and Stephen Levine, Thomas Moore, Wayne Muller, John O’Donohue, and Judith Orloff.

Life consists of both sides of the coin, the desired and the dreaded, and we must learn to build our strength. From healing, forgiveness and compassion to grief to finding the road back to living with joy.
When disaster strikes, when we’re overwhelmed by events beyond our control, when we lose someone dear and close to us, how do we cope? We seek words of comfort and consolation, something to break the devastating pain. How do we live with the grief? What does it take to move on with our lives? In this hour we explore the arts of healing and forgiveness, of being with the dying and grieving. Life consists of both sides of the coin, the desired and the dreaded, and we must learn to live consciously and grow through both of them.
How do we build up our sense of security in a world so filled with unknown dangers? How do we control our fear and anxiety? As Elizabeth Kubler-Ross noted, “Nobody gets our of this life alive”, so we’d better prepare for when the inevitable strikes. Not surprisingly, life becomes a lot fuller and richer when we awaken from grief and find the road back to joy.
This volume features Joan Borysenko, Ram Dass, Sam Keen, Elizabeth Kubler-Ross, Ondrea & Stephen Levine, Thomas Moore, Wayne Muller, John O’Donohue, and Judith Orloff.